
Echos in the silence




5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-07-2020, 08:53 PM

The uncomfortable buzz in the back of his mind from the demons and their displeasure at his offers to help this clearly broken woman only helped to solidify his decision to do so. "I'm sure," he assured her when she questioned if he was sure about the offers he had made. There was an odd amount of defiance he felt toward them and the lessons that had been burned into his brain as a child. He knew what qualities fit well in his bloodline and his family, the qualities that he theoretically should be looking for in a partner, and thus far Yurei had shown the opposite of those things. He saw no strength within her. There was no self confidence of any kind. She was tortured and broken. Even though his mother hadn't been physically strong, she had mentally and emotionally been exceptionally strong and had carried a brilliant mind. Logically, he shouldn't want her - but that's exactly why he did. He wanted to go against what those values had taught him. He saw the potential of what she could be if given enough care and love and was taught how to hold herself. He saw a lot of himself in her.

The moment that the offer to make her a part of his family left his lips that humming buzz in his skull was whipped into an all out frenzy. From the outside it looked like he was calmly listening to her concerns and thankfulness with his ruby and aquamarine gaze lingering on hers and his ears perked forward to listen to every word. Inside, he was fighting a loosing battle with his own demons who were screaming at the tops of their lungs. Some demanded that if he was going to do such a thing that he do it properly as his ancestors had. Some cursed him for even offering such a thing to begin with. Some demanded her blood. He ignored them all as best as he could. As soon as her head dipped down to hide her face in his chest he finally let his jaw clench and eyes squeeze shut as he struggled against his own thoughts. He lowered his head down on top of hers, acting as if he was simply cradling her against his chest when he was really ensuring that she wouldn't be able to see him struggle.

After several moments he was able to open his eyes again and relax a bit as the tormenting waves of voices finally began to subside. His expression was tired and a soft sigh passed his lips. "We're both broken," he told her softly, still keeping her tucked against his chest as he regained his composure. His voice was thick with emotion and rough from the physical exhaustion his mental condition caused him. Part of him knew that he would have to be honest with her about what was wrong with him eventually if he was serious about being with her, but now wasn't the time. "Everyone has their own issues - some are just more visible than others. Don't feel like you're alone in this. You deserve this and so much more. You deserve the world."

After taking another breath to steady himself he finally lifted his head and let her slip away from him if she wished to. Their chance meeting had permanently entwined their lives. Even if she had denied his offers he would have still gone out of his way to protect and help her as they lived together in the pack, but she hadn't done that. She had accepted them and now he felt like his soul was bound to hers. Perhaps one day there would be a real love like he had seen with his parents or how Daelos had been with her mate, but for now she was his and that satisfied the protective, possessive nature in his heart. He watched her for a moment before he leaned his muzzle down to hers to place a gentle lick across her nose. "My Yurei," he said quietly with a certain finality as a small smile pulled at his lips.

"Talk" Think