
Hard headed boy versus bees

Aranea (spring skill prompt)

Nolan I


2 Years
Dire wolf
Athena I

08-07-2020, 09:43 PM

After a short while he heard a thumping sound and when he glanced up toward the tree branch he noticed that she was starting to knock the hive down out of the tree. He assumed that meant that a good majority of the bees had abandoned their home so he lifted the stick he was holding and began working to knock it free as well. Soon enough it came tumbling down to the ground and when the thing didn't immediately start spewing angry bees at them he grinned a little with victory around his stick. He dropped the stick to the ground and took the extra second to make sure the smoldering end of it was put out so they wouldn't accidentally start a forest fire.

Once he was done with that he turned back around to see about the hive and found the small woman stomping on it and breaking apart the hive to expose the honey comb within. Things seemed okay at first, but soon a small swarm that hadn't left the hive came out in an extremely angry cloud of bees. A portion of them targeted him before he could do anything about trying to escape, dotting stings around his legs and chest. He desperately tried swatting at them to get them away from him, yelping with each new sting he got. By the time the small swarm had either given up the fight or had killed themselves off in their efforts the front portion of his body had quite a few painful welts and his ears were folded back miserably. "That honey better be delicious," he grumbled with a frown.
