
Seams wear thin




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-07-2020, 10:37 PM (This post was last modified: 08-07-2020, 10:42 PM by Ulric.)

Now that he didn't have the distraction of her sudden appearance or the skull she had been using as a mask obscuring her face, he could really see how striking she was to look at. Her darker markings seemed to frame her form while the brighter white around her face and neck highlighted her features and pulled his attention to her ruby red eyes. The shadow of black that formed around her eyes gave her a naturally haunted look, but it only seemed to add to the mystic aura around her. Perhaps it was just the darkness of night and the fire flies that were floating around them causing her to appear this way, but he couldn't say that it wasn't working in her favor. Luckily for her his gaze had drifted away from her face for a moment as he dared to take a glimpse at the rest of her delicate frame so he didn't see the way she she was distracted and had stared off for a moment. By the time he pulled his attention back to her face she was giving him a clearly shy smile.

He noticed the nervousness in her expression and how she approached him to introduce herself and it made him look at her curiously, though he didn't press her on the matter right away. He was a fairly perceptive wolf so small things like that stood out to him and made him take notice. "That's quite alright," he assured her with a smile when she began to apologize for the fact that she hadn't socialized much. "No forgiveness needed." He tucked her name away in his memories and felt like it was a name that he would want to remember for the future. Azariah. It wasn't like any name he had heard before and he caught himself repeating it to himself in his thoughts. She was certainly a beautiful and striking wolf without a doubt, but he couldn't quite figure out a logical reason for why he was so interested by her. There was just something mysterious about her that he wanted to know more about.

When she questioned the name of this place, he glanced up at the waterfall as if he had forgotten it was there. It had easily held his attention for the last couple of hours, but now it seemed uninteresting in comparison to learning about her. "I'm not as familiar with the northern parts of Boreas as I am the west and east, but I think this might be referred to as Waterfall Peak," he replied before turning his pale eyes back to hers with a playful smirk, the grin pulling a bit unevenly to one side because of the scar that crossed his left cheek. "That sounds like a made up, obvious name now that I've said it, but I promise I've heard someone say that name before." He chuckled softly and hoped that perhaps a bit of humor might make her feel a little more comfortable around him. He often wished that he wasn't quite so over grown so others wouldn't feel so nervous around him, but it was the cards he had been dealt so he had to do what he could with what he had.
