
Every Fire is a Lesson Learned


08-31-2013, 08:52 PM

Small and tired form wandered the land in search of water. The day had been completely hot, and he was tired and thirsty. Exhausted one might say...His day so far had been far from exciting. But then again, nothing was exciting when you were constantly running and hiding. But this morning would certainly take a different turn. He had found a small puddle of water, almost dried from the heat. Fall was upon them soon, he could smell it as well as see it. The land around him was silent, the chatter of birds seemed to have all but disappeared along with any other signs of life. Then, as if by some strange cue, a distraught howl ripped through the silence. His head show up, ears shot forward as he turned to see where it was coming from. The cry sounded like it was in pain, and needed help. Though he was afraid, he felt that being a healer, he should find the owner of the voice and see if assistance was required.

He rushed as quickly as he could to the source of the dying howl. Tripping and stumbling over rocks and branches here and there trying to move as fast as his small body would take him to find where it came from before it died. He was soon upon it, however, when the scent of blood and other wolves hit his nose. His eyes widened in alarm, was someone critically injured? Ambushed? Dying??? The thoughts ran through his head and terrified him, but he pressed on and skidded to a halt when he neared the den. Soon, three different scents hit his nose as he trotted to the entrance, and upon seeing who was there, he noticed that there was a wolf lying on her side with bloodied fur and...pups? He blinked several times as he made his way over, wary of the trio. Swallowing, he took a deep breath and made his voice as calm as he could.

"Pardon me, I uh...heard someone howling and I thought I'd come by to investigate. It's a good thing I did, she needs help." He said to himself as he walked past the two other wolves leaving the den. He ignored them for now, his usual jumpy self disappearing now as he slunk into the den to inspect the new cubs that had been brought into the world. He first went to the mothers side, sniffing along her until he came to her face and touching her nose. "Don't be alarmed, I'm here to help." He told the sleeping fae, unsure whether or not she heard him. He then moved to look at each pup, running his small nose alongside each one to ensure they had no health or breathing problems. Satisfied that they seemed healthy, he then glanced at Alena, worry creasing his brows. He knew she would need some herbs, the bleeding hadn't stopped after all.

He quickly left the den back towards the way he came, not even glancing at the pair that had exited the birthing area. He had scented and stumbled upon some herbs on his way over, and so he would find them again to bring back for the mother wolf. The first thing he came upon was crampbark, so he stripped some of it and broke off a piece of what he needed and proceeded the search for the other herbs. It had only taken him several minutes before he gathered small mouthfuls of everything he needed, quickly returning to his den to begin working. He nudged the mother wolf, coaxing her into consciousness so she could chew and swallow the herbs he had brought. "I brought you a mixture of different herbs. Eat them and they will help your ailments and stop your bleeding, as well as ease your cramps." He sat neatly by her side, nudging to her a mixture of crampbark, white willow leaves, seeds from a motherwort plant he had found, along with mistletoe berries and a few other herbs that he was too busy to remember. He had skillfully made a mixture, each herb would help her in different areas of afterbirth from stopping her bleeding to ensuring that she would remain healthy and intact as well as relaxed. He waited for her to wake, and he would make sure she got the herbs down. In the meantime, he kept an eye on the pups for any signs of trouble...
