
Avalon babies for adoption [CLOSED]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
08-08-2020, 01:34 AM
Pup name: Wyatt Ancora-Desrosiers (In french it means 'the little warrior)
Design: #12 please

The young wolf is closing in on 35’’ which he shall be once he reaches his full potential. Right now his build would be labeled him but as youth fades there is the promise of a heavier build that will show itself. Wyatt’s base coat color would be a rich shade of brown which is most obvious when looking at his chest, lower legs, and bottom part of his muzzle. Along his back, stretching down to his upper legs, forehead and most of his tail black hairs blend with the brown so that from a short distance a large portion appears black. Each of Wyatt’s paws and tail tip appear as if he had dipped the tips in white paint for how suddenly the white fur stops instead of blending with the brown. The wolf likewise has a snip of white right above his nose. His rich brown eyebrows contrast the surrounding darker fur on his forehead.

Wyatt has been dreams for his future and is willing to work hard to obtain them. He wants to raise in status in the pack as a fighter, not for the glory or power that comes with rank but with the sincere desire to protect his pack and those he cares for within it. Sadly the goals are far away as his fighting abilities seem to be less than average. Instead of giving up however it has helped the young wolf into learning the value of working hard, and the need to believe in oneself.

Aside from the desire to be a warrior he is also an open and friendly fellow. He’s the sort that can laugh easily, lend an ear to a friend, or quick to join in any team activities whether it be for training, hunting, or just having fun. If a member of his pack is hurting, he will hurt for them. To Wyatt he is just one of a whole, and it is the whole that is important instead of the one.

Wyatt is grounded and confident due to confidence in the law and having a strong sense of morals. Should the law ever go against morals or be used against his family it would be an ultimate test of priorities. Currently it would be a thing he could not imagine ever being a concern. Law and what is right are always the same thing, and these will always match his morals – wouldn’t they?

Alignment: Lawfull Good

Potential plans/goals:
I haven’t decided fully if Wyatt should achieve his dreams of becoming a strong fighter after a lot of dedication or if he will find something he is better suited for and find he can help his pack just as much in that regard. I think both offer something for him in growth.

I would like for him to have some time to continue to build on his firm beliefs but somewhere farther down the line creating a scenario where there is a choice to be made either between law and family/friends or morals and family. Basically just something that shakes up his belief that he has the answers as long as he follows the law.

Honestly I’m open for most anything plot wise that would help in the character growth/develop. He would sacrifice his safety for anyone in his pack for anything along those lines. I don’t really know anyone else’s chars yet and only basics from reading material on packs. – I’m open to most any fun plotting.

I was thinking of going with the concept of his getting lost. Perhaps trying to hunt down a Ptarmigan and not paying close enough attention to the weather. He got out to far, large snowfall kicks up. He finds a spot to hunker down but when its over the snow swept away his old track, swept away the scent and he got turned around between his focus on chasing the bird and then running to find a spot to protect him from the brunt of the windy snow? Not sure how long to say he was missing for.

Rp sample:

Wyatt’s muscles were tense as he lay curled up behind a pine tree. It hadn’t offered a meager bit of protection from the snow, but it had mostly been used to avoid the worst of the wind that had whipped the flakes all about the landscape. Snow was raised up on either side of the tree and around him. The more he become aware of the surrounding, the more he realized how stiff his body felt after remaining tense for so long. How long had it even been?

Wyatt relaxed his muscles, taking time to look farther out at the landscape. All signs of his paw prints were gone. Perfect white, with the only thing to mar it being where some weaker tree branches had fallen off with the wind’s wrath. Standing up slowly Wyatt spent another moment just considering the before and after of how the area looked before a sickening sensation hit him. His paw prints were gone. He had noticed it earlier but not thought about what that would mean. How would he find his way home? Wyatt sniffed the air but nothing useful came to him. Plenty of scents, but not of his pack or the scent of his own trail.

He could stay in place and hope someone would find him or try and find his way back to the pack on his own. If he had no trail to follow neither would they. Wyatt keened a whine but then forced himself to break it off. Knights don’t whine, and someday he would be one. It was time to act like an adult. Biting down the fear that still wanted to grip him Wyatt decided a certain pine tree seemed more familiar than the others. So he started a trail of white paw prints as he walked off in the wrong direction.

As he kept walking, he managed to find a bit more confidence in him. He would find his pack, or they would find him. To give up was to fail and so he had to believe that he would be fine. The winterfell pack was strong and loyal, he was part of that pack. At some point they would be reunited. Only cowards give up.