
Hold your Horses




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-08-2020, 01:04 PM

It seemed as though it wouldn't take long at all for hungry bellies to converge. First a young girl arrived, garbed in earthen colors. She was silent, but her gaze showed that she waited for instruction. Next came Meadow and Resin grinned, glad that her sister was deciding to do something other than heal. Third came another young woman who offered her services. Last came the darkly colored man that had helped her fell condors. With the quartet seated together, Resin began to speak. "Resin,She gave her name, and I am indeed looking to hunt. The horses out in the basin are my aim. I haven't had horse meat in a long while."

Moving forward a bit, Resin directed their attention to the herd down below. "There's one younger stallion following the herd. He has an injury that's left his leg compromised." She assumed it was from challenging the band stallion, but she couldn't be sure. Nor did it matter. It would hamper the horses movements and, more importantly, because the injured stallion was an outsider, the others weren't likely to rush to his aid.

Next she laid out her plan to the group. "If the fastest of you run the herd down the center of the basin, the other horses will break off. It will take a lot of the wind out of our target." Resin motioned to the far end of the grassy plain. "Two of us will lay in wait there. When he nears, we'll spring up in his path. Then we can all attack while he's startled." Rising from her place, she began to move off, but stopped and fixed her lone gaze hard upon each of them. "Watch the hooves. One clean kick can easily kill a wolf." She would let them decide who was coming with her and who was going to run the horse.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]