
That's not very grande of you


"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

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7 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
08-08-2020, 03:17 PM
Hanako imagined as much. She wondered what her life would be like if she, for one reason or another, had been taken in by a group of cats. As far as she knew they weren't overly social creatures but Natha seemed pleasant enough, a little standoffish but not enough for it to be an issue. And besides they'd only just met,  at no point did Hanako expect the lynx the star purring like they were the sweetest and closest of friends. In fact, if Natha wanted to hold her at a distant and just keep it civil then Hanako was more than willing to comply.

Hanako smiled a little at the thought of a lynx howling. Even if Natha tried Hanako imagined that the best she'd be able to muster would be a yowly sort of call, something harsh and throaty, lacking the subtleties of a true howl. Natha's way of thinking, even if it was strange and foreign to Hanako, did make a lot of sense and she soon found herself agreeing with the cat. Difficulties aside, the Armada was remarkably welcoming to those who joined it's ranks. Even Hanako, who prior to joining hadn't worked a day in her life, found it easy to integrate herself into the fold. To find a place that was snug and cosy and just the right fit. Thinking about it like that made her feel a little sad that all of this was only temporary, that as soon as her Keepers came for her it would all just be a thing of the past. But till then she had plenty of time to take advantage of what the Armada had to offer, food, companions and otherwise.

The wolf hummed at her question.

"A little. My old group was nomadic, never stayed anywhere for long. So it feels a little strange to just..linger, you know? Sometimes I half expect Sirius to tell us to just pack up and move out." She shrugged, knowing she'd have to get used to settling eventually. Whenever the trade was made her fate would be sealed. "But I think I get it, The Empire has its roots here, wouldn't make sense to just up and leave it all behind." 
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