
Where Flowers Bloom




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-08-2020, 04:34 PM

Meadow doesn’t realize her eyes were wide before she started speaking, it isn’t until she sees the big wolf’s lowered head and ears that she realizes what has happened. A smile starts to grow on her lips and she says, “I am so sorry, I don’t mean to stare. It isn’t every day I get to meet a wolf as handsome as you." Winking at him, her smile increases in happiness as she looks at the purple male.

When the words start to spill out of her mouth, Meadow again worries about being thought of in negative light. Nodding as he says her relation to Io and him, she says, “Yep! And I have loads of stories about her from when she was pup.” Eyes sparkle with mischief as she leans toward him and lowers her voice, adding, “Even some that she may have forgotten about.” A soft laugh fills the air as her eyes dance with joy and she finds herself relaxing.

His stuttered thanks making her smile grow as she sees a great humbleness in the big wolf. It is no surprise he feels most comfortable here, the love he is pouring into each plant shows. Already, Meadow likes him. She tells him, “It is true. This garden is extremely well loved and the plants are happy to have you here.” It is a statement, not a question and Meadow can tell this is true. Just by looking at the flowers before him, the smaller wolf can tell they will always bloom brightly for the purple male.

Still looking at the flowers she says, “I was taught that you can tell a lot about a wolf by the state of their garden.” Looking back at the prone male she finishes, “And it tells me you are a great wolf.” Maybe Meadow is crazy or eccentric but she feels like any wolf that takes their time to carefully cultivate such a fine garden must have a big, gentle heart. She is liking him even more every minute she is in his presence.

Smile brightens and she giggles when he says he doesn’t talk a lot. She tells him, “Well, I think I can do enough talking for the both of us.” Another playful wink is thrown at him and she finds her tail wagging to match his. When he calls her kind, it is Meadow’s turn to be shy. Ducking her head slightly, smile morphing into a lopsided grin, she mutters, “Not kind. I just tell the truth. But thank you.” A paw kicks at the dirt in bashfulness.

Bowing her head in respect when he offers his name, Meadow brings her head up with the brilliant smile back in place. She tells him, “Well Indigo, it is a pleasure to meet you! I am so glad that helped build this beautiful sanctuary but try to remember to give yourself acknowledgement in this too. They helped make it but the plants clearly bloom for you.” When he asks what kind of seeds she had brought, Meadow’s eyes widen in happiness and tail wags hard as she shrugs off her bag and moves to give it to Indigo. “Well there are some roses, treasure flowers, tulips, daisies, and sunflowers. Sunflowers are my favorite. I also brought some horsetail, marigold, earth smoke and jasmine for herbs. I gathered them during my travels.” Looking at Indigo for approval, she smiles happily.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm