
Guiding Wind



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-08-2020, 04:39 PM

It was like a dream. Was he really here? She still couldn't wrap her mind around it. The grounded, serious, stoic Resin couldn't bring herself to believe that White Timber was actually here. He had been 'dead' for so long. She had written off that whole part of her life as ended. Yet here he was and so she would have to open the pages once more.

Pulling back, he admitted that he had no knowledge of their children. He had looked for them. Looked for her. She wanted to growl and chastise him. She wanted to tell him that he hadn't looked hard enough. But then... neither had she, apparently. She had searched and called but she hadn't found him or them either. In the end, she could do nothing more than nod, her own ears tucking back against her skull.

Silence stretched on between them. They were still close, but she seemed to be miles away. Periodically, her brow would furrow, only to smooth out once more. Eventually she was able to bring her gaze back to his face. "I'm glad to see that you're alive." She finally managed to speak. Now that she accepted his mortality, things seemed off. They knew one another, but they had changed. She had certainly changed. Perhaps she should tell him about their time apart, then he could tell her about his.

"I killed the father of my first litter." It had been her mission for a long, long time. She had finally ended the life of the man that had murdered her children. "I found Iolaire. She's a high standing member of a nearby pack. She asked that I join as well and I have." Though it wasn't in her nature, she had joined the pack at Iolaire's request. As her only living child, the woman decided to be as much of a mother as she could while she could. "Iolaire has a husband and might soon have children of her own. She was adopted by the alpha of the pack as a sister. His children call me Grandmother." The corners of her maw twitched upward at the absurdity of the notion. "I'm... content."

The woman suddenly felt the need to clarify. To let him know. "There hasn't been another man since you." Ah, but there was almost a woman. What was she going to tell Tamsyn? How would the woman feel about knowing that White Timber was around? Would White want to join the Armada to be near her? Again her brows furrowed. Now that they'd found one another again, she wasn't ready to lose him just yet.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]