
Seams wear thin




5 Years

08-08-2020, 07:04 PM

He hadn't seemed to notice her awkardly staring at the dazzling colors of the faerie lights as they blended with the golden light of the fireflies. It was an odd thing to her, but the more he spoke, the easier she felt about having a grizzly bear of a wolf within striking distance. His easy admittance of not having the most knowledge of the area was a pleasant surprise from the arrogance she had become accustomed to. With that comfort came proximity, and Azariah moved closer to catch the name, Waterfall Peak, at which the corners of her mouth tugged ever so slightly into a grin.

As he smirked, Azariah felt her monochrome tail wave behind her, and she reclined into a seated position. Just in time, too, because the next thing Ulric had to say brought a heavy peel of tinkling laughter from her. "Indeed, it does sound made up, but I am inclined to believe you. Waterfall Peak sounds like a perfectly, on-the-nose name for this place." Garnet red shimmered in the sunset as a hint of her own humor came to the surface, the sun just barely peaking through a bit of the trees to gently fall over her eyes and highlight them for a moment. After their joke, she was much more relaxed, even to the point of curiosity.

It wasn't often the witch wanted to know others, but something about him was alluring to her, and the fae she saw as well. A full smile came across her features as she watched the mischevious creatures jig and delight around his head. How others weren't aware of them, she would never understand, but she was glad for the gift. It was a company only few could keep, and it wa her own little secret. "So do you always dress like a bear or is this just like...warm weather attire?" There was a teasing glint in those blood red eyes, and an equally teasing grin on her face. It was a gentle jest, one to help her get over his size as well. She didn't want him to think her rude, but she had to ask. Azariah wondered if she had met a friendly giant, one who she would later hope to run into. With the night darkening, she would have to find shelter soon, a thought that had her briefly scan the skies for Umbra. The bird had not come back yet from finding shelter, and Azariah really wanted to introduce the bear-wolf and the crow. That would truly tell her his character and if Umbra liked him, then she would keep him as a friend. Until then, she would have to wait for her bird, and worry about shelter later.

Walk. "Talk." Think. "Umbra."

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