
Let's Get It Over With.



"Break what can be broken"


Master Fighter (935)

Master Hunter (555)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022GlobetrotterStatue 2 WorshipOverachieverIsland HopperSmall Fries
TrapperRunning on EmptySocialiteBest BudsRapid Poster - GoldSouthern Explorer
WealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! WinnerBy the skin of my teethAll Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyOoh La LaVengeanceCritical Observation!Underachiever
ScarredCritical Fail!ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerWordyLoser
Snake EyesDouble MasterLegendaryCritical Hit!1K
08-08-2020, 09:09 PM

When he saw her Azure startled, giving his feisty sister enough of an opening to throw herself for him once more. He had absolutely no idea why she attacked him, though there was enough pent up anger within him that the want to retaliate battled with his hesitance to hurt her. Her sharp cat claws dug in deep around his neck and he felt the sting of her teeth on his chin, it was enough of an offense that he threw himself back into the fight. She was small as she hung upon him and he lifted his paw in an attempt to slap it heavily against her, his long curved claws seeking to get a solid enough hold upon her that he could tear her from his chest and throw her back to the ground. With her positioning beneath him Azure's teeth were unable to be used and so they were free to intimidate, the lips around them wrinkling into a snarl to equal her own.

Azure Keres Fatalis vs Aslatiel Fatalis  for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: Under one year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory:  Not equipped.
Defensive Battle Accessory: Not equipped.
Companion 1: Not present.
Companion 2: Not present.
Mutation 1: Saber fangs - Offensive
Mutation 2: Bear paws - Offensive
Mutation 3: Bone spurs - Offensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Bloodletter


Both of Azure's ears have notches and tears.
Az has a scar across his right eye, a mirror image of his natural born marking.
Azure has saber fangs, bone spurs on his elbows and knees, and the paws/forelimbs of a bear.
Not all of these features are always reflected in his art.

Azure's companions are a very big bat and a young clouded leopard, unless otherwise stated assume they're not with him.