
Teenage CIA 2: The Spyening

meadow / resin



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-09-2020, 11:11 AM

Again the woman shook out her thick pelt and more fur went drifting along on the breeze. She didn't know that the girl was hiding and spying on her, but she knew that it was supposed to happen today. Sirius had told her as much. Resin had agreed to be tailed simply to further the skills of the younger generation. If the girl thought that she had what it took to turn herself into a spy, then Resin would make her work for it. It wasn't going to be easy.

The breeze swirled, pulling a foreign canine scent to the one-eyed lady. She'd never met the girl in question, so looking for her didn't matter. If she could smell her though, then she knew that she'd been found. Good. Then they could get on with it.

Rising to her paws, the older wolf rolled her shoulders. She picked her way out into the water and climbed atop a boulder. With agility befitting a wolf half of her age, the old warrior leaped from rock to rock until she was on the other side of the river. Once her paws touched land, she didn't even stop to shake out her coat. Instead, she ran as fast as she could, ducking below branches, leaping fallen trees. She made her way into the thick of the forest where the shadows were deep. This is where the girl would be put to the test.

Black backed ears were on high alert as she listened for the rustle of leaves. She would be far ahead of her stalker and so she had ample time to stop, hide herself somewhat, and prepare. Resin situated herself at the edge of deep black shadows. Another canine stood there, the edge of its skull and ear visible, but not much more would be discernible. As soon as she imagined the girl had time to keep up, she would speak to the canine in the shadows. The scarred woman began to speak to the shadows in low tones. She purposefully said a few words just a bit louder. "Takeover." Whispers. "Pack." Whispers. "Blood. Tonight."

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]