
Teenage CIA 2: The Spyening

meadow / resin


"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
08-09-2020, 02:54 PM

Hanako wasn't sure what to expect. Maybe for a hidden figure to emerge from the shadows, to casually sit beside Resin and strike up a sneaky, secret conversation. But as the seconds ticked on Resin just continued going about her business, acting all cool and casual as though there wasn't even a possibility that she was up to no good. Hanako's lips twisted into a frown, had Sirius gone and sent her off onto a wild goose chase? She liked to think that the Warlord valued her time better than that and he wanted her to succeed, but maybe he'd gotten it all wrong too.

All of those doubts were soon washed away when Resin clambered to her paws and with a surprising amount of grace pounced from one rock to the other, till she crossed the river. Hanako didn't think Resin was a decrepit mummy of a wolf but dang the old lady could move.  Emerging from the bush Hanako followed suit, bouncing from one stepping stone to the next till her fiery paws met the earth once again. And then she was off, rushing through the undergrowth with all the speed and grace she'd demonstrated during her race with Mortis. But even then it was barely enough, Hanako had to push hard to just keep Resin in sight and by the time Hanako slowed to a walk the Lieutenant had already had plenty of time to get herself situated.

But that was fine, there was no need to worry yet. Lingering in the shadows behind a tree- funny that, a colourful wolf as she could only manage to hide since it was so damn dark- Hanako's ears perked forward as she began to listen. She couldn't see who Resin was speaking to, let alone make out any notable features, but none of that seemed to matter when she heard what was being said. It was juicy content alright.

Hanako's eyes flew wide open as her jaw dropped into a shocked O. A pack takeover? A bloody coup? Hanako had to slap a paw over her mouth to stop herself from "OOOOHING!" aloud.

She almost couldn't believe it, surely they were pulling her leg, right? Right? But what if this was real, what if Resin wasn't to be trusted after all? What if...the spy was spying on the spy? Wow that was a lot of spying going on, it almost made Hanako's mind spin. Peeking around the corner again, Hanako sniffed in deep and rolled the scents around in her nose. The other wolf was a loner, but unless she revealed her position there was no way of getting a better look. Her paws itched with anticipation, she wanted to turn tail and run all the way back to Sirius to describe what she'd seen and heard but was it too soon? And how much information was enough?

The wannabe-spy chewed on her lip as she mulled it over. She'd gotten what she'd come for, the mental list she'd formed in her head had all the ticks it needed and surely if she stayed any longer she'd run the risk of getting caught. Okay, right. Time to book it back to the Armada without being spotted. Easy.

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