
Hard headed boy versus bees

Aranea (spring skill prompt)

Nolan I


2 Years
Dire wolf
Athena I

08-09-2020, 07:22 PM

Nolan followed his bee hive hunting companion as she pulled the hive in question off to the side under a tree that didn't have a bee problem and he looked at the now broken apart honey combs curiously. He'd never seen the inside of a hive before so he wasn't really sure what to expect, but he was still surprised by just how much honey was packed inside of it. He glanced up at the smaller woman when she told him that she would be back and to save some for him, watching her trot off with a raised brow. "Okay!" he called after her and wondered where she could possibly be off to. Maybe to get something to carry her share of the honey in? Either way, he turned his attention back to their prize and picked out a piece for himself. Taking a couple steps away, he settled onto his stomach and began to snack on a bit of the honey, grinning to himself at how sweet and delicious it was. He also took her advice - eating very carefully so he didn't accidentally get a bee in one of his bites.

He had just gotten up and was looking through the remains of the hive for another small piece when the woman appeared again, this time carrying a bundle of flowers he couldn't hope to name. His ears perked at her instructions and something about her tone made him follow her orders without question. "Okay," he replied with a chuckle, settling back onto his haunches and sitting very still while he watched her work. Whatever she was doing with the honey and the flower petals seemed incredibly intricate and he was very impressed with whatever it was she was doing. It wasn't really until she went to place the honey coated petals on his stings that he realized she had been making a treatment for them. Of course, he probably should have figured out that she was a healer after she suddenly showed up with flowers, but he couldn't pick one plant from another to save his life so they could have just been pretty flowers for all he knew.

Nolan nodded in response at the direction she gave him to keep them on till night time and then let a healer look at them. He'd have to remember to go find his Aunt Daelos when he got back to the pack so she could do just that. "Thank you," he'd say with his signature grin before turning his attention back to the honey in front of them. He settled in with another piece of the honey comb, giving her another interested glance as she tried eating some of the flower she had gathered and added a bit of honey to the bite. He hadn't really considered how honey could be used for other stuff until he watched her use it for various healing things. He'd have to take a piece back to his mother so she could take some of the herbs Daelos made her take with it. The thought of that made him smile a little.

His ears perked toward her as she introduced herself and he lifted his head to give her a friendly nod and another grin. "I'm Nolan! Nice to meet you." He probably should have introduced himself much earlier than this if he was following the manners he had been taught, but that was alright. They had bigger fish to fry, so to speak, then to go through pleasantries.
