
Echos in the silence




5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-09-2020, 08:04 PM

His ears flicked uncomfortably when she mentioned how she wished to hear what his problems were so she could help him as well. He knew that if he was going to keep her in his life she would need to know, sooner rather than later, but the thought of revealing that part of himself felt too vulnerable. He had just vowed to protect her and help her through her issues... telling her how fractured his mental state was felt like he would just be proving himself incapable of doing those things. Feeling as if he looked strong in her eyes was important to him. He wanted her to believe she could lean on him through anything as she healed and overcame her own problems. "I'll tell you one day..." he assured her, glancing away from her for a moment as he looked over the railing at the empty tundra around the ship. "I just... need more time."

Perhaps it was hypocritical of him to want her to tell him about her life and her problems without sharing some of his own in return, but his were problems that couldn't be fixed - only dealt with. At least they seemed that way. Acere had told him that he had been able to silence those voices... but it just felt like a mountain he wasn't sure he'd be able to climb. Her voice telling him how she liked where she was pulled his gaze back down to hers and the moment that he saw her vibrant gaze the worries that had begun to build in his head started to dissipate. Having her to focus on felt right and it felt like a way out. Only time would tell if this was true or not, but it gave him a bit of hope and maybe that was exactly what he needed right now. "I'm glad," he replied, a rare smile falling onto his lips. "I like you being here as well." He gently traced the spot between her shoulder blades several times, letting her snowy fur slip through his claws as they lightly traced her skin.

"Let me show you where I've decided to live," he said after a pause, nodding his head toward the entrance that would lead them back into the interior of the ship. He let his hold around her loosen so that she could stand before doing the same himself. It was the first time that he let his attention stray from her long enough to notice the gray feline that was lingering near by and he gave it a curious glance. "Is this a friend of yours?" he asked, looking back to Yurei curiously. He offered the cat a small nod once he was introduced before leading them back into the heart of the ship.

He lead them down one of the flights of stairs into a hallway that was lined with rooms. He led her to the one at the end and stepped inside. There was a moderately large window at one side that overlooked the chilled lands of the north. The pine forests were visible in the distance and from this side of the ship they would be able to see the sun set, allowing the warm hues of orange and purple to fill the room once it was late enough in the day for it to do so. "I'm going to go hunting within the next few days to get some furs to make a bed over to this side," he said as he walked over to the side of the room that was opposite the window. "It's not the most comfortable place to sleep as is, but it'll be just fine soon enough." He nodded toward the wall under the window and added, "I thought I might figure out a way to store some pelts and meats I bring in from hunts over there."

With his small tour complete, he turned to look at Yuri with a slight smile. "You're more than welcome to stay here as often as you like." A part of him craved to tell her that she should move here permanently right away, but he resisted. As much as she was now his in his mind, he wanted to make her feel welcomed and be able to come to her own conclusions for herself. "If you have anything that you like to keep like herbs or such we can certainly make a place for you to store them here as well."

"Talk" Think