
Twinkle (M)


08-31-2013, 08:28 PM

The brute made his way to the waterfall's edge very carefully. He had heard a rumor that within a foot of the end of the falls one could stand without being swept over the side and he was determined to see if it worked. Granted if it didn't work, who would really care if he passed out of this miserable existence? Not too many that was for sure. Looking down over the falls he marveled at the sure power he was standing at the cusp of. The water tugged at his legs mercilessly, but it was nothing he couldn't handle. A satisfied smirk made its way onto his maw.

Just as he was about to bark out his victory, he noticed a new scent on the wind. A female scent. Man he was just getting way to lucky lately. He hadn't run into a single male in weeks! Not that Dempsey would ever complain about the lack of male bonding time. He was much too happy with all the female bonding time he was getting. A mental chuckle made his eyes glimmer even more than they already did.

As she appeared from the brush, he noticed she had some raven feathers in her fur. It was actually a pleasant accent, but he doubted she did it on purpose. Carefully he made his way back to the left side of the falls and hopped down the rocks on the side. It was slippery though, so it wasn't quite as impressive of a decent as he would have liked. "Why hello doll." Dempsey shook out his wet fur and when he looked up a grin was plastered on his face.
