
I don’t even like this song



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-10-2020, 12:33 AM

The shake of her head confirmed what he had already assumed. She didn't have any family here or anyone looking after her. It made his ears flick with concern, but what should he do about it? He had no real home to offer her besides the den that had begun to keep in the mangroves. It wasn't as if he was part of a pack that he could invite her to join. Perhaps one day he would have that to offer her, but tonight he had no immediate answer. He wondered if even just inviting her to stay near him in the Mangroves would be enough... but before he could finally settle on a decision he realized that she had gotten up.

He looked up at her with surprise and watched as she began to back away, dipping her head to him in what he had to guess was a goodbye. He frowned because he didn't want her to go without knowing that she would be okay, but he had to learn somehow that he couldn't help every single wolf he came across. He dipped his head in return and watched her go. He watched the spot where she had disappeared to in the darkness for a moment, wondering if perhaps she would suddenly appear again like she had when they had first encountered each other. He certainly hoped that they would cross paths again if for no other reason than for him to confirm that she was still alright. With a sigh he pulled himself to his paws and began to make his way back toward the mangroves. It was far too late for him to go anywhere else so it made sense for him to cross into the unusual forest and return to what he tended to call home. It gave him a vague hope that perhaps she would be able to follow his scent back to his den so she could find him again if she wished.

