
Must have been the wind




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-10-2020, 12:55 AM

It was kind of funny how things could turn upside down in the span of just a few days. Ever since finding Memento he had spent quite a bit of time building out the den he had started and making it big enough for him to share with his family. Eventually they could all have their own dens wherever they wished, but for now this was the easiest solution. He had spent most of his life caring for his mother, but after he parted ways with his family he hadn't had anyone to look after. Now that he was reunited with them - with one notable absence - it had greatly shifted how he spent his days. His wandering had nearly come to a halt and he had begun putting in the work that would be needed to make this place their permanent home base.

As he began to wash the dirt from digging out the den off of his paws in one of the Mangrove's many streams, he began to think about Philomena and her sudden disappearance. He hadn't let himself think about it too much - instead keeping himself busy and blocking that portion of his thoughts off into the farthest reaches of mind. Now that it was just him and the silence of the mangroves they began to creep in and nag at the back of his mind. Guilt weighed heavily on him and he sighed as he sank down onto his haunches. There had to be more to it than just how their fight had gone that had driven her to leave. He knew she had been in a rough spot before then, but to just leave without a word...

A sound pulled him out of his own musing thoughts and it pulled his eyes up toward the brush and bushes that dotted the ground around the thickly growing trees. A scent followed the sound, a scent that had held firm in his memory after their chance meeting. "Farrah?" he called, getting to his paws as he began to scan the trees and bushes curiously for the small, pale woman.
