
Must have been the wind




3 Years

08-10-2020, 06:43 AM

it was indeed she, rustling around in the brush. she could walk around like a normal wolf, but the short prickly bushes were an odd comfort for her. plus, many things hid within it. mice she liked to seek out in order to stomp on. small animals thinking that sneaking away within it was going to keep them safe. she was in her own zone, moving along the line with a newly won prize clenched between teeth. truthfully, she had began exploring away from the the comfort of the falls. off in another direction, then this one. at the edge she thought she picked up his scent, but it was brief and her mind was otherwise distracted by the rush of trampling through brush after something small and fuzzy.

the call of her name made her head shift, lifting as ears perked. clueless to the fact it was him, as she waited for ru to speak again. who else would call her name? backing out of the brush, she tugs her mangled bunny along. it still had some kick to it, her frame lowering to place a paw on it. it had no means to escape, but still had kicks of reflex within its back legs. will you always be coming out from under something when you see him? her ears drooped slightly in question, a flare of nostrils would provide the answer.

her head jerked upwards, twisting off in the direction of his scent. staring at him with curious gray eye, the other still neatly held behind the security of eyelid. excitement rose within her, she knew that smell. that face, she liked that face. abandoning now limp bunny, she proceeds directly into his personal space. a bubble she was careful to avoid bursting before, seeking to press her nose against his cheek in greeting.

a wiggle in her frame suited to express happiness to see him again. she couldn't of looked any better, new cuts along her limbs from where she roamed. small, and easy enough to manage as long as she cleaned them. in the very least, she hadn't gotten any thinner since he fed her. even if she only returned to the deer once..

ulric. ulric. ulric.


blind in her left eye. words rarely spoken. yet a voice within her head.

[ f a r r a h ]
a maybe baby