
Carve your own path



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-11-2020, 08:44 PM

Ulric hadn't noticed the bone spurs that Azure had at his disposal as an extra weapon so when he felt the stabbing pain in his shoulder he wasn't quite sure what had caused it, but he knew he needed it to stop. It seemed like he just had an endless array of unusual traits to pull out one after the other. He bared the pain of it and resisted the pull that the young man was trying to put on him so he could double down his efforts to knock him to the ground, nearly putting his full weight onto the boy's shoulder and back. Eventually he got the satisfaction he was looking for when he felt Azure crumple to the ground under him. The sharp piece of bone that had been stabbed into his shoulder pulled free and sliced a pretty noticeable laceration into his flesh on the way, but he could easily consider this a win so it was a small price to pay.

He didn't keep his place there for very long, quickly getting off of Azure and taking a few steps back till he was where he had originally stood before the fight began. He had one noticeable cut on his shoulder and a few smaller cuts across his back from the boy's claws, but all in all he wasn't too worse for wear. He felt incredibly proud of himself since Azure had put up quite the fight and clearly knew what he was doing even at a young age. "That was a good fight," he mentioned with a small nod toward the heir before giving Sirius a glance. He wasn't sure if this was what the leader had expected for Azure to do when given the task of testing him and hoped that him beating Azure wouldn't put some sort of sour taste in the heir's mouth about him. He waited to see what they would say, curious to see how this result would effect things.
