




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-11-2020, 09:17 PM

He nodded in agreement to the statement that he would have to recruit more members. That would be the most difficult part of it, wouldn't it? He had the ambition and the vision for what it could be, but an empty pack wasn't a pack at all. When she asked about what it would be like he paused thoughtfully before replying. He had thought about that a good bit during his travels, but it seemed like every time he thought about it at this point he tweeted a few things here and there. There were certainly a few things that held true so he focused on those aspects of it. "I want to make sure that anyone that works hard toward improving themselves will be recognized for that effort. That's my biggest hope. Learning and training - I want that to be a big focus for my pack. Other than that, I just want to make somewhere that everyone feels safe and cared for... Somewhere that encourages everyone to look out for each other." He smirked a little as he glanced at her, adding, "It's a work in progress, but that's the idea. I'm not all that interested in the politics and making things too complicated... Just a safe place my members can be proud of."

When he mentioned the possibilities of spars he saw the first signs of interest in her expression and it made him grin a bit. "A fighter, huh?" he chuckled softly as he pulled himself to his paws, giving himself a quick shake. "If there are spars later maybe we'll get paired up!" he exclaimed with a wider grin. Fighting hadn't always been something that he found a lot of joy in, but the more he did it and the more skilled he got at it the more he seemed to enjoy it. He still saw it mostly as a form of protection for himself and his family, but there was a bit of fun and sport in it as well. He chuckled again, his tail wagging gently behind him. "Well, maybe I'll see you around then. It was nice chatting with you, Eir." With that he padded off into the crowd again to check out a few more of the tents he hadn't explored yet, his plans and thoughts of his future pack lingering in the pack of his head.
