
Young, dumb, and broke [festival]



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
08-11-2020, 09:40 PM

Ha! She had guessed right! Her grin widened when he confirmed her suspicions and her tail wagged happily as well. Something about the formality of his greeting made her giggle and it made her feel as though she needed to give him a deeper, more regal bow. She refrained from doing so, but the temptation was there. "Gwenevere, hm?" she mused thoughtfully as he explained his lineage. She admittedly wasn't all that knowledgeable of their extensive family tree - she only knew the fact that it was quite vast and went back a long, long time. "Well my father was Leo Adravendi. His parents were Maverick and Epiphron," she responded to his question, hoping silently that he would be able to connect the dots between them without her having to give any more information. As far as she was concerned they were cousins of some sort and that was good enough.

She followed his gesture toward a tent, spotting the woman that he spoke of that had helped him with his lovely outfit that she was so smitten with. As soon as she heard that the seamstress might trade for some sort of service that gave the excitable woman a spark of hope and she gasped, looking up at him with a grin. "Really?!" She didn't have a single clue what skill she might have that the woman might want to use, but it was something! She hurried over to the Nomad, dipping her head politely to the woman with a wide smile. "Hello, Amella! I was just admiring the work you did on Cairo's armor - it's absolutely gorgeous. I've never seen anything like it!" she gushed, her tail a blur of white behind her.

"Now, I would love to have just a little something like that... Not nearly as big and grand as all that of course, but it's just so pretty! The only problem is I didn't bring anything to trade... Do you need help with anything?" She looked to the Nomad hopefully, giving Cairo a quick glance as well before refocusing on the woman again.

"Talk" "You" Think