
Watermelon sugar high

for Lyric



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
08-12-2020, 12:10 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2020, 12:11 PM by Ásvor.)
Ásvor scratched at the side of her face with one of her forepaws, trying to soothe the angry welt that was forming beneath her coat. The fact that she'd only gotten one, maybe two stings in the process of taking down a beehive was a feat in itself, so she wouldn't complain about the very minor and very temporary injury she'd sustained. She had no doubt it could've been much worse. She'd long since dragged the hive away from its original spot, worried that vagrant bees would return and seek their vengeance on her - but she was pretty sure she was in the clear now.

Giving her face another good scratch, she settled down beneath a particularly vibrant redbud tree. This spring so far was proving to be quite a luscious one so far, with enough rain to warrant plentiful plant growth... and these colorful trees were no exception, painting the landscape in an almost blinding cascade of color in every direction.

But her attention was on her task at hand, rather than the landscape. Positioning the hive between her paws, she did her best to put pressure on it carefully, trying to split it in half without making the thing crumble entirely. She knew there was honey inside, and it was her intention to harvest it. Beside her lay a makeshift leather wrap, something that made transporting things much easier. With the sort of spring they were having, she knew she ought to get into herb-collecting mode just in case, and so wrapped inside the leather was a healthy bundle of herbs she'd gathered so far on her trek today.

Spring, Year 15 - Healing Seasonal
Words: 272
Total: 272