
-- cerebral thunder


08-31-2013, 09:59 PM

you can be the hero, you can get the gold

Irin stirred when another approach, lifting her head to focus on a strange brown wolf. Her eyes took in the form of the other carefully, and Irin sniffed daintily, trying to figure out if this wolfess smelled of Glaciem, as she hadn't exactly seen the other around. "You're in Glaciem territory, miss." Irin blinked as she spoke, twitching her ears slightly as she rose carefully to her paws, not wishing to appear impolite before a stranger.

If the stranger didn't know where she was, why was she on a pack's territory? Irin would have brought a voice to that question, but she was a nervous creature, not exactly inclined to question the motives of strangers. She was only comfortable in her own skin when she was pretending to be someone else; a majestic huntress, perhaps, who tracked down monsters to keep her home safe. At the very least, she felt better when she was pretending to be in a different place than this oh so bland world.

Spicing things up was just so much more fun. After all, she could believe this wolfess to be a simple loner or a princess from a strange land, abandoned here by her parents to escape a murderous wolf who wanted to destroy her entire family. Which story was more interesting? Why, the second one, of course, and it was that one that Irin assumed was true.