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"Helen of Koi"


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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
08-12-2020, 05:31 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2020, 05:54 PM by Hanako.)

The sun rose from the east, setting the ocean afire as Hanako waded ashore. Water dripped from her pale, yet fiery coat as she padded further up the beach, her stride graceful and easy, as though the swim across the strait had been no effort at all. The doves in the canopies above were beginning to stir, cooing and calling to one another as they emerged from their nests. Though she liked the barracks well enough there was no denying that the Ashen palace was far more beautiful and idyllic, and when she closed her eyes and breathed in the ocean breeze she could easily imagine calling it home.No matter how much the Fatalis' spoiled her Hanako just couldn't-not that she'd really tried, to be honest- shake her sense of entitlement. For as long as she could remember The Keepers had told her that she'd end up living in a palace, married to a king or an emperor and that through serving them she'd find greatness. She couldn't just cast aside all she knew nor had the world even given her a reason to. Her time within the Ashen Empire was temporary, but whilst she was here she figured she ought do what she could to help out those on top.

As a humble servant of the Ashen Empire it went without saying that her knowledge and skills were at their disposal, it only seemed right to make herself and her talents known. To the right wolves. If nothing it would serve as practice but in a best case scenario it'd be nice to also try and make some more friends in high places. Or so she thought. Tipping her head skywards, Hanako let out a soft awoo. A casual summons that held no demands or sense of urgency, just an open invitation.

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