
I hope you dance!

Rhymara birthing thread!



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
08-12-2020, 05:55 PM
((Minor PP permission granted by Kat to use Rhyme's paws as chew toys.))

Samara heard Theory's voice as she was getting settled, and she couldn't help but smile. Good, they were all here. She gently gestured where Motif could lay the furs she brought, adding to the already considerable nest Samara and Rhyme had made, then laid herself down, trying to feel less nervous than she was. Soon enough Rhyme was in the den and curling his form around hers, a comforting feeling. With Rhyme there, Samara could almost believe nothing would go wrong. Almost. She tipped her head back to give a smile up at Rhyme, a quick ripple of pain wracking through her body and across her face. The contractions were getting closer together, giving her less and less time between them to catch her breath and prepare for the next.

Samara couldn't have said how long she lay there, simply weathering the rolling storm of pain. It felt to her like several lifetimes, though she knew that couldn't be true, but she could tell something had changed finally, the pressure on her abdomen felt more solid this time around. And she could feel her body tensing in a new way, with a small gasp she experienced the worst pain yet, a groan tearing from her lips. The first of her children was pushing their way into the world, regardless of if she was ready or not. Another groan of pain escaped her and instinct kicked in, she began to push in earnest. Samara's grasp on her surrounding slipped as the pain continued to escalate, her body shaking in the effort. Once again she lost track of exactly how long things continued on in this way. Somewhere along the way, she realized she was biting down, hard on Rhyme's paw but couldn't seem to release her grasp. Not at least until the pressure on her abdomen released and she was aware that a pup had slipped into the world. Panting heavily Samara strained to reach the little bundle, she just managed to lick it clean, a brown boy splotched with white, before she was wracked with the next set of contractions. Samara would have to rely on Rhyme or Motif to help nudge the mewling bundle towards her belly, she was already in the throes of the next birth. Gods, if they were all going to be this bad Samara was certain she'd die.

A sort of feral growling scream tore from her throat as the next pup struggled its way into life, once again her fangs found purchase in her mate's paws and she shook, tremors tearing through her body. Her eyes rolled, finding Rhyme and clamping down was all she could manage to do to stop herself from screaming at him. Her pain addled brain wanting, needing someone to blame for it... and well he at the very least shared half the blame. The second boy was quick on his brother's heels, nearly identical to his brother though as Samara cleaned the amniotic sack from his face and cleared his airways the scream that the pup let loose was louder than Samara would have ever thought possible from such a small little spud. This time she was able to gently nudge the boy towards her stomach, panting as she was given a moment to breathe. They were perfect, two boys suckling at her stomach. She'd seen newborns before but there was something fascinating about them being hers. The boys were larger than she'd expected, she wasn't certain if it was that she herself was so small or if they were large... or both.

Samra was only given a few moments to think on that as another contraction pushed through her body. More? She thought incredulously, the boys had already torn through her with such violence, she was aware of the tang of blood in the air and was certain her own abdomen was drenched in it and sweat. Her boys were fine but Samara was struggling. The next birth was kinder on her though, she didn't escape without pain but this time she didn't need to bite down on Rhyme's paws, the boys seemingly opening an easier pass for the smaller bundle that slid onto the ground. Dutifully she curled to clean this little pup as well, a little black and slate girl, one side showing a tiny speck of white on her face. She used her hind paw to gently push the girl towards her brothers and assuring she had managed to latch on. The girl was so much smaller than her brothers and she gently nosed her, concerned. But the beautiful little girl seemed perfectly fine, simply smaller compared to her brothers.

This time Samara was given a decent breather, time to admire the little bundles of life curled at her stomach. She was exhausted, and she was leaning back heavily on Rhyme's form when the next contraction hit. Samara moved to check when she felt the pup slide onto the floor. A tiny little bundle of fur reached her gaze, so much smaller than even the girl currently tucked against her stomach. This time Samara was almost certain whatever it was she was looking at wasn't alive or if it was, it wouldn't be long for this world. Still, instinct drove her to clean off the tiny pup, finding a muzzle and clearing whatever airways the, to her mind clearly malformed, life had. The pup shuddered for a moment, the air clearly rushing into its body and then tiny jaws parted and released an incredible wail, nearly as loud as her bigger brother before her. Tiny little limbs worked the air and ground and the pup sprawled onto her stomach and Samara realized with a start that minuscule as she was she appeared to be whole, four little limbs, a tiny little tail, two folded ears and a tiny little face. Samara wondered if her own mother had thought the same thing when she'd been born, she had to imagine she'd looked much the same. Gently she ushered the girl towards her stomach, nosing her siblings so as to make sure the runt could begin to suckle.

Samara moved in and out of total awareness then, so enchanted by the tiny lives right in front of her. She tipped her head back again to look up at Rhyme. "They're perfect." She croaked. The next part of their plan would have to fall on Rhyme, Samara was simply too exhausted and struggling to hold onto wakefulness long enough for the children's names to be chosen.

"Speak!" Think!

Table Art by Vhitany
[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.