
good morning world!



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
08-13-2020, 11:43 AM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2020, 12:15 PM by Samara.)

The children were proving to be a hassle, not that Samara wasn't loving every moment of it but there were times when she sometimes wished they were still small and unable to speak or move much on their own. Many firsts had happened in what felt like the blink of an eye, the first times they'd opened their eyes, all of them carried the same gorgeous coloration their father showed, though Ruin's one black eye had given her a bit of a start at first, though now she appreciated the little unique quirk that helped to separate her from her siblings. She loved all of the things that made them different from each other. Suspense's already obviously tiny size, the subtle difference in markings that helped to distinguish Haiku from his brother, the blue tinge to Senryu's ears.

She'd at first been worried that the two boys, whom they'd taken to calling the twins despite not being truly identical, might drink her dry, depriving their much smaller sisters of her precious milk. She'd made sure to eat frequently to help try to counter-attack this worry. And then they'd started teething, if her pregnancy hadn't been so hellish she'd have said that was the most pain she'd ever been in. Tails, ears, toes and yes her teets had become chew toys for the growing children, though there was some satisfaction in the fact that Rhyme didn't escape this stage either.

And once they'd started walking? Well, puppy wrangling had basically become a full-time job. Senryu was easily capable of whipping his siblings, but especially his brother, up into a whirlwind of play and Ruin? Well, the girl never seemed to stop trying to escape the den. Suspense had more than once tried to leave with her father whenever he went out and had only been stopped because after the first attempt they'd started looking out for the tiny girl. Samara knew as soon as they were allowed outside it'd be nigh on impossible to keep them all within sight, and while she was very excited for the rest of the pack to get to meet them she also couldn't push down the fear that she might not be able to protect them. She was especially worried about the amount of water found within the packlands.

So she wasn't exactly overly excited about the morning she found herself waking up to, a gentle rousing from her mate followed quickly by the slobbery kisses of her son. Samara pulled her head back, her eyes fluttering open and picking up on the insistent orders of her children, Ruin's solid tone especially standing out. "Alright, alright." She said, the sleep still clinging to her voice, though she'd quickly learned how to shake herself awake once her kids were old enough to start demanding her attention in the morning. She spotted both the boys and Ruin quickly, and after a quick glance to her side noted that Suspense was the only one still snuggled to her side. Gently she nosed the girl until she saw tiny fangs and a pink tongue as her daughter yawned. Then she rose to her paws, shaking herself out and then gently swiping her paw at Ruin, aiming to gently bowl her over so she could rub her nose in her daughter's little belly and tickle her. "I'm up little princess." She said, and cast her gaze up at Rhyme before addressing this question at her children. "What are we up to today?" She knew well enough what the plan was, they'd discussed it before but had missed Rhyme's prior announcement, still dozing when he'd spoken. She'd often found that letting them feel they had some control over what was happening helped to keep them off her tail when she had to dictate other things for them... well sometimes. Ruin was a pretty adamant little girl.


[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.