
Falling like the stars



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
08-13-2020, 01:07 PM

It was about damn time that Kai was free.

His life had been on pause for so long now, longer than he could even remember, though truthfully that wasn't entirely Acere's fault. He hadn't truly been a captive, not really - he'd just been forced to pledge his servitude to Winterfell for two seasons, against his will. He had not been chained and shackled there, though largely he'd kept those to their borders even when he was not hiding behind them. It was hard to move on when he still was largely tied to a pack he didn't care to be part of, repaying a debt he had never once asked for, but that had somehow been endowed upon him.

Kai was still the same wolf as he had been when he'd first been captured and sold, and subsequently bought by Acere - he was reckless and independent, and no doubt too cocky for his own good, but his time here had shifted something within him. His life before had been rather uneventful, ruled by little more than his own whimsical desires; being held back by forces that felt beyond his control had felt stifling, even suffocating at times. He'd grown angrier than he ever imagined he would be. His younger self had rarely been agitated, but now he found himself growing anxious and aggravated far more easily.

But today he wouldn't let those moods rule him. He was free - and he was going to celebrate, even if just by himself. He'd taken down a surprisingly fat hare not long ago, just before dusk, and as he let his food settle he found himself wandering down the black-sand beach. It was an odd little cove, a slice of the southern lands despite the chilly evening wind that whipped in from the sea. At his back was a vast expanse of sand and sparse trees, and even further in the distance stood the northern terrain he was so familiar with. Forests and mountains went on for hundreds of miles, stretching across the continent and engulfing everything within its reach.

Even Kai felt small when he considered the vast expanse of land at his back, and the endless stretch of sea ahead of him was no less daunting. He was done with feeling small and insignificant - long gone were those days. His future lay ahead of him, and felt blindingly bright, for the first time in his life. Even brighter than the stars that glimmered overhead, shining strong and clear in the dark night sky. The tusked male tipped his head up to watch them, bracing himself as another hard gust of wind rustled his grey coat and send a pleasant shiver down his spine, basking in this feeling of newfound freedom.