
Starting fires wherever we go




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-13-2020, 03:42 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2020, 03:42 PM by Ulric.)

Ulric had slipped away to the willows after the spar he went through with Azure just to collect his thoughts and sit on his own for a bit. After being alone for quite a while it was going to take some adjusting to get himself into the mindset of being around wolves again. He wasn't far from the Armada's border, but it gave him enough space to feel like he was on his own for a moment. He settled under one of the willow trees and turned his head to look at the wound that Azure had given him across the broadest part of his shoulder. It wasn't even close to the worst cut he had ever received, but it was probably something he should get looked at just in case. The last thing he wanted was for it to get infected. He licked over the wound several times, cleaning away some of the blood that had collected around it. That'd probably be as far as he could go to take care of it since he had very little skill when it came to healing.

With a sigh he lifted his head and looked around the willow tree forest again just as he got to his paws. He passed through one of the curtains of willow branches, moving with the slightest limp just to keep the pressure off of his shoulder and hopefully keep it from bleeding again. A bit of a greeting of sorts caught his attention and he looked up from the ground and turned toward the sound, spotting the gray hued woman a short distance from him. It was easy to catch the scent of the Armada on her so he offered her a smile and a nod before taking a few steps toward her. He still kept a comfortable distance from her, especially since he hadn't been around nearly long enough to have any sort of pack sent mingled in with his own.

"Hello there," he told her in greeting, his signature slightly lopsided grin pulling across his lips. "I wasn't expecting to meet another Armada wolf so quickly! This is a nice surprise." He settled onto his haunches partially so he could get off of his front leg, but also so he potentially wouldn't seem as intimidating. It was hard not to be with his size, but he certainly didn't mean any harm. "I'm Ulric."
