
Duty calls




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-13-2020, 04:03 PM

Since the day he came to the Armada he felt like he had spent little time here. It hadn't been a thing that he had done on purpose, but it was something that he was very aware of. Attending Valhalla's festival had pulled him away for a few days, his brief trip toward the north had taken a couple more. What had really pulled his attention away entirely though was his family. He had fully prepared himself to at least separate himself from his family in the sense that he would no longer be living with them on a day to day basis. When he thought that his nieces and mother would be living with Philomena and Memento's father then he had been content in the fact that they could take care of each other. The moment he found Memento on her own and learned that his sister had disappeared into the night that had all changed. His priorities had quickly shifted gears and the direction of his life felt like it had changed drastically.

If he was being honest he hadn't realized how much time had passed and he wasn't sure if anyone had even noticed his mild absence, but it was still something he felt a guilt over. He had wanted to put his best foot forward, but he wasn't sure that he had done that thus far. It felt like it was only right to come clean with Sirius and explain what was going on before any more time drug on and he sank into an even deeper hole.

Following the Warlord's scent, he spotted Sirius out among the plains that seemed to be the main gathering place of the pack. Walking over to him, Ulric dipped his head respectfully. "Sirius, do you have a moment to talk?" he asked before lifting his head again. His expression was serious, but he tried to remain relaxed. He didn't expect Sirius to be an unreasonable man, but he also wasn't sure what sort of resolution he was hoping to ask for just yet.
