
good morning world!

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
08-13-2020, 06:17 PM
Haiku and Ruin tag teamed their mother with Sen taking his own unique approach. Rhyme grinned, his broken heart mending as his little family made memories together. He couldn’t remember his own first time out of the den, but this was more for him anyway. Seeing their awe at their first, or second, time out and about.. There would hopefully be a lot of firsts to enjoy over the coming weeks.

His heart was further warmed as tiny suspense shakily made her way to her paws and her first order of business was to greet him. Rhyme showered her in affection before returning his attention to Samara as she was bombarded with Sen’s eager revelations. A hearty chuckle fell from his lips as he leaned over and gave Rara another kiss, astounded by the love that filled their den.

Blue and lavender eyes returned to Suspense as he answered to clarify their son’s statement. ”Our first family outing to breakfast.” He repeated while lifting himself to his paws. ”We’ve got some rules to go over before we head out though.” He tacked on before any of them could get the wrong idea and bee line for the entrance. ”On our way there you’re all to stay between me and your mom. Once we get there you can wander as long as you can see us.” Rhyme would let Samara add anything then before going on.

”Before we go, there’s a surprise for you waiting outside. Go see Imperia and Solitude outside.” He could barely contain his excitement for the young pups. He’d follow them out to where the two ravens had their four fledgling chicks waiting. ”Don’t rush them. Let the ravens pick you.” Rhyme looked back to Samara proudly as their pups were introduced to their lifelong companions.