
good morning world!



2 Years
Extra small
08-13-2020, 07:23 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2020, 08:09 PM by Ruin.)
Ruin beamed at her Ma's attention and gave her a kiss for good measure. More often that not she earned it by acting out, being naughty or chewing on her families limbs a little too hard, but that didn't mean she was totally opposed to being called a princess either. It quite suited her actually, or so she liked to think. Whilst her sister fussed over Pa and the boys were together- as always- Ruin decided that she was tired of waiting and very sloooowly began to inch her way closer to the dens exit. Just one step at a time, then she'd sit and fidget as if really excited and then repeat the process over and over. Making slow but steady progress, hidden in plain sight. Clearly Ruin wasn't patient and nor was she very fond of rules. As though Pa could read her mind he stood up and blocked the entrance of, trapping her inside and forcing her to listen. Boooring. Ruin huffed a long sigh, bearing her baby teeth in an open, and honestly quite endearing, rebellion against her Pa's silly rules.

The mention of a surprise though was more than enough to soften her up. Galloping outside, Ruin's mismatched eyes widened at the sight of the four little chicks, more fluff than feathers. She wanted to scoop them up and claim them all for herself but...well maybe that'd be a bit too mean, her siblings deserved presents too, she supposed. And then the little piebald bird hopped over and stared at her with it's beady black eyes, causing Ruin to stick out her tongue in retaliation. As if that was the sane and reasonable thing to do when first meeting a possible companion. A little taken back the fledgling glanced over his shoulder back to his parents, but it was too late for the bird, Ruin had made up her mind.

"Mine!" Ruin claimed and quite loudly too for all present to hear.

The piebald bird flinched, clearly a little surprised, but he didn't protest against and instead hoped closer to stand beside her. It seemed, for some reason or another, he'd made his choice too.
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