
Seams wear thin




5 Years

08-13-2020, 11:53 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2020, 12:00 AM by Azariah.)

Faerie lights exploded as Ulric laughed at her quip, the rolling laughter was almost like listening to distant thunder with a sweeter disposition. She saw the way the scar on the corner of his lips tugged as humor spread over his expression. It wasn't something she was used to, male laughter, and from anyone else, it would have frightened her into aggression. Ulric's laugh made her want to make him do it again. She found her monochrome tail waving behind her as the lights pulsed with each peel of his laugh, something that made her own smile widen. She shifted closer as he leaned in with his retort, turning conspriatorial as he said he was indeed part bear. The news saw her barking with her laughter, the force of which drove her to flop over on her side almost at his feet. Even as the moment faded into easy silence, Aza stayed in her prone position before him, looking up as twilight began to darken around them. He spoke once more and asked if she had a place she regularly stayed. It had been a long time since she had stable shelter.

Sitting up on her elbows to speak better, Azariah answered him honestly. "I have not had a place to stay in a long time, not permanently anyway. I have been staying in the caves just north of here, by the cove." Blood red eyes met the silver of his and she tilted her head curiously, "What about you? Do you have a place to stay?" She wondered what his home would be like. She hadn't scented any others from him aside from those who were possibly related in some way. He could have a whole family to get back to and here she was holding him up! Her eyes widened with the thought and she looked away, her voice growing shy once again. "I am not keeping you from anyone, am I? It's so late!" She sat up then, her anxiety getting the best of her at the thought of an angry mate coming for her. With her ears pinned back and her posture screaming that she was ready to bolt, she was a stark contrast from the easy calm of a moment ago, but she kept herself hanging on his response. Her sudden nervousness was a direct result of her time with Lucifer, not wanting to make anyone angry ever again, including strangers.

Walk. "Talk." Think. "Umbra."

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