
Merrily we fall out of line



2 Years
Extra small
08-14-2020, 11:52 AM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2020, 11:59 AM by Ruin.)
ooc: takes place not so far from the plains, someone come and scoop her up before she throws herself off the cliff for the lols

Ma told Ruin not to wander, so naturally she went and did it anyway. The shadowy Cavaliere-Klein rushed along, her little legs working over time as she hurried over the threshold into the unknown. She expected to be struck with a sense of change or for the ground beneath her paws to feel different, but from what she could see, smell and hear the world felt very much the same. It was a little bit of a disappointment, to be honest. If everywhere else was like this then Ruin didn't see what the big fuss was about, or why her parents were so insistent that she stayed close to home.  The sky was just as blue back in the plains and the grass as green, with a huff she kicked up some flowers and watched the scattered petals float on the ocean breeze.  If there was no immediate fun to be had then...she'd have to make some of her own, wouldn't she?

Above Lyre soared on the ocean breeze, his speckled wings spread wide as he kept a watchful eye on his wolf- and those who might spoil her fun. Not by choice mind you, Lyre was a good boy paired with a bad girl, even he wasn't sure why they'd bonded but he'd been too shy to argue with fate. And it wasn't like he wanted to hide under his parent's wings forever, he had to be brave and paring with Ruin was the first step towards achieving that goal. Or so he hoped anyway.

Back down on the ground Ruin was at a bit of a loss at what to do. What sort of fun was there to be had in an open field? All the activities that sprung to mind were things Ruin could easily do back home, samey enough that it really didn't warrant sneaking away. She pressed her lips into a sulky thin line as her tail hung limp between her legs, it was all so boring boring boring! So much so that she almost wanted to turn around, go back home and chew on someone's legs. Maybe her brothers would let her wrestle with them, or she could push Samara around a little as she sometimes did.  And then she looked ahead once again and noticed...that the land just seemed to vanish. Cut off, like she'd found the edge of the world.

Oh now that was exciting!
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