
Louder than thunder




3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
08-14-2020, 02:04 PM

Askan was alone and then he was not. His ears flicked at the sound of approaching paws and the clicking of claws against ancient stone. He turned, hackles prickly and raised as his piercing gaze he took in the sight of the dark stranger. Had she been the first dire wolf he'd met he might have been impressed, perhaps even a little intimidated by her size, but by now Askan was slowly starting to accept it as the norm. His pride still stung a little, knowing that in comparison he seemed so small, but there wasn't really anything he could do it about it. Aside from chewing their legs down to size, but that wasn't exactly feasible, now was it? Instead the Selwyn looked beyond her size and was thoroughly unimpressed by what he saw. His eyes worked just fine, he could logically understand and know that someone was good looking but it just never sank in. It meant nothing to him, resounded like a fart in a cave.

Her words were just as sharp and witty as those eyes. Askan harrumphed, his hackles deflating some as he waved away her quip with a slash of his tail. He wasn't the sort of man who made jokes or jests and he didn't intend to change anytime soon. Particularly not when someone announced themselves by mocking him, that was sure way of getting things off to a poor start. His glare remained-or resting bitch face, the two were hard to differentiate- as he shifted a little, moving his weight between paws as he turned to face her properly. Spiteful words lingered on the tip of his tongue, like blood sliding from his maw after a fresh kill.

"And what's it to you?" He rumbled, clearly not keen at the prospect having her nose stuck into his business. He snorted derisively. "But for the record, I was just thinking." He shot her another look, implying that he'd like to do so in peace.
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