
Where Flowers Bloom




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-14-2020, 06:28 PM

She watches Indigo and she notes how the taller wolf is so kind and gentle. Smiles come easy for Meadow and with him, they never seem to leave. Tail wags and smiles are freely given and something tells Meadow that he appreciates them. With another huge smile, she watches him tear up the grass before she moves to start doing the same.

His question about compost is greatly appreciated, as the smaller wolf has forgotten completely about it. Nodding her head, she asks, while continuing to work, “Oh yes I forgot about that! Do you have some nearby?” Truth is that, sometimes, details slip through her paws. The bigger picture is too important to worry over the smaller things and that is another reason why she is glad that Indigo is here. He helps her remember the important things.

When she is done tearing up the grass on the other side, she sits back and smiles at Indigo. His question about why she doesn’t have a garden has her offering him a sad smile. With a small sigh she explains, “I have a bad habit of wandering off to go exploring. Plants need constant care and I… was never sure I could be around long enough. I have never had a purpose or… I should say that I have never felt like I had a purpose.” Shame fills her and she looks away from him for a moment. Will he think less of her for feeling inadequate? Is the fact that she never knew how much this place, these wolves, mean to her make her somehow less?

Looking back at Indigo, voice soft, she continues, “All my life, I have a had head full of dreams and I just wanted to be useful. I… never felt like I was enough. So, I walked and I walked, trying to find what was missing in my life. Until I came back home and found my destiny is here. My family is here.” A smile reappears and she finishes, “My heart is here.” Patting a paw on the ground to signify that this, all this is where she was always meant to be, Meadow looks away for a moment to stare out across the garden. She had been so blind to leave something to wonderful.

Losing herself in thought for a moment, she starts and looks at Indigo when he offers to share his garden with her. Eyes find his and tears prickle the corners of hers as she bows her head deeply, showing great respect for the bigger wolf. When her head raises, the giant, warm smile is back and Meadow says, “You are so kind Indigo. I would love to help you tend your garden and keep the flowers and herbs happy. I… would be so honored and happy to share your garden. I… words fail me Indigo.” A laugh escapes, light and full of happiness as she explains, “I am never speechless. Thank you.”

Nodding as he explains about the seeds, Meadow smiles brightly as Indigo asks her to show him the proper way and she nods. Slowly, she starts to dig a shallow hole. When it is about half an inch deep and the width of her paw, Meadow once more sits back and smiles to Indigo. Pointing the paw at the hole, she says, “This is a good depth and width for them. It does not have to be exact, a little more or less will not hurt the seeds. I would go for the sides to be as wide as your paw. Collect the dirt to one side as you dig and we will mix it with the compost and place it over the seeds.” Smiling at him, her eyes sparkle with happiness as she feels that maybe, finally, her life is full.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm