
Hey there, bright eyes



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-14-2020, 11:16 PM

She had been too focused on the creature to notice the snarl that Sirius had pulled at first. If she had she probably would have at least given him a disapproving frown. It was so cute and fluffy and certainly didn't deserve any sort of aggression. She glanced toward him when he informed her that it was a primate before looking back at the animal with even more curiosity than before. She'd heard of primates before, but she had never seen one. It's little hands seemed to hold on to the branch so well and she couldn't help but smirk when he mentioned how its very long, fluffy tail would be a good pillow. She couldn't disagree with him on that point.

The lemur was looking at them both warily from where it was lingering in the tree and she couldn't say she blamed it. After all, she'd probably be a bit nervous too if two creatures much bigger than her that could possibly eat her just walked up and started staring at her. She silently made the decision that she'd try to befriend it the same way Sirius had with his companions and how Resin had the jackals she took with her to fights. This primate certainly didn't seem as fierce or scary as a bear or jackals, but she thought it fit her. Perhaps he would be helpful with other things. She had been meaning to try her hand at crafting some armor and she bet his little fingers would be great at that.

"Hello there," she called up to him, smiling as she started trying to figure out how she might get him to come down. What did lemurs even like? She had no idea how to entice him to come down or if he could even make out what she was saying. He did at least look like he was listening to her so that was a start. "Hey, I think we could be good friends!" she told him, her tail wagging softly. "Do you wanna come live with me?" The lemur tipped his head as he seemed to be considering her with his large, bright blue eyes. It didn't really seem to be making him move though and she hummed thoughtfully. "What do primates like?" she asked Sirius, giving him a glance.

"Talk" Think