
Write To Me & Escape


08-31-2013, 11:31 PM

The thrill of the hunt had excited Dragon, and soon they had two trophies to show for their efforts. Aeil's skills were remarkable, and he would keep this day in his memory forever. He fled with her into the safety of the trees, the prize in his jaws as the pair bounded out of the open space in case the bulls decided to seek revenge. He followed the beauty into the forests, her words catching his ears and sending a warm glow into his system. "You were amazing too, Aeil. And I would love to hunt with you again!" He replied with exhilaration. He laughed a little as he watched Aeil eat, at the same time digging into his own meal and tearing through it to fill his empty stomach. He had waited all day to eat, and finally he was able to. The day bringing about more surprises then he had ever thought.

As night came, taking away the sun and with it the warm breezes, he finished his meal. He turned to answer the beautiful woman who stood beside him, asking him how it was. When the word love was heard, he blushed. "It was very good. And very enjoyable with someone like you to share it with." He followed Aeil to a comfortable spot to rest. Though he felt a little bashful, he wouldn't deny her request to bed down with her. He thanked the stars it was dark, so she was unable to see the rising heat in his face. As she lied down, he wrapped his tail around her and settled close. He smiled when she nuzzled him, sending a shiver up his spine and making his stomach twist. His ears perked when her sweet words whispered into his soul. His body began to feel light and giddy, his heart pounding wildly as he struggled to keep himself from leaping into the air out of sheer happiness. So she did like him! This day just got better and better. Now that he knew she was getting the same feelings for him that he was developing for her, he knew now that it was true.

Amber eyes turned to look at the sleeping fae, his voice a whisper in her ear.
"I...Love you Aeil...more than you can ever imagine." He whispered to her. He then licked her muzzle, and rested his muzzle on the ground beside her, his nose touching her neck and breathing in her sweet scent. His heart pounded loudly against his chest, and he knew that she was the one. Though it sounded crazy, his heart just told him this was right.


Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis