
Bison Brisket [Hunt Circle Bison Hunt]

Nolan I


2 Years
Dire wolf
Athena I

08-15-2020, 12:28 AM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2020, 07:06 PM by Nolan I.)

His gaze shifted to Domari when he come to join him, offering the man a welcoming grin. After that he returned his focus to Cairo as he began to speak. He was excited to hear that they would be hunting another bison. They were a good challenge and with this many hunters he was positive they would do well. Nolan also grinned a bit when Cairo introduced his cousin before going on to explain how he wanted to run their hunt. It seemed straight forward enough and pretty similar to how they had done things last time, just with an extra hunter this time.

He let Aslaug ask her question and glanced at Red when he voted to be one of the chasers before he spoke up to put in his preference of task as well. "I'll help take the cow down if that's alright," he offered. He knew he was probably one of the fastest of the group, but he figured Aslaug might be more comfortable being one of the ones to get the herd running since this was probably her first time hunting a bison. He kind of assumed Cairo would want to be on the action side of things as well and Domari was one of the most experienced hunters so it made sense for him to be there as well. Since Red wanted to be a chaser it made his choice pretty easy. Of course he'd do whatever was needed of him, but that's what made sense as he assessed the group they were with.
