
Care to spin a yarn?




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-15-2020, 10:24 AM

Ulric watched Cairo skillfully guide the buck directly toward him and he waited with tensed muscles until the deer was right in his path. At the last possible moment he leapt up from his hiding spot which started the buck again and it both tried to skid to a stop and jump off into the opposite direction from him. He quickly latched his teeth into the deer's front leg right as it tired to hop to his left and dug his claws into the dirt to anchor himself. The deer's own momentum threw it off of its feet and it fell hard to the ground next to him. It began to flail and thrash in an attempt to get away, but Ulric kept the firm hold on its leg quickly shifted and used his own body weight to pin the deer to the ground. The only thing he couldn't quite get control of was the deer's head so it still tried to wildly flail its antlers toward the two wolves, but since it was laying on the ground on its side there wasn't a very wide range of movement it could use.

Ulric held his position there until Cairo had done the killing blow and only once he was sure the deer had stopped moving completely did he actually let go and get back to his paws. He gave his cousin a wide grin and an impressed nod. "Well done! I'm glad you came along when you did. Trying to take this guy down on my own would have been much more difficult." He turned his attention to the deer in question and came over to start examining its antlers curiously. "I was thinking of using these in some armor," he explained as he used his paw to turn the deer's head and take a closer look at the sharp points that protruded from them. "Now, I've never actually tried to make armor so it's very possible my idea won't play out the way I think it will, but I figured I'd find a use for him either way."
