
Seams wear thin




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-15-2020, 11:31 AM

He hadn't laughed this hard in a very, very long time. It felt easy with her and the quips back and forth came to him without much thinking. That certainly wasn't always the case with him since he often felt like he had to analyze every possibility and think through every thing he was going to do. She seemed to pull him out of his shell a bit even though he had no idea why this was any different from any other interaction he usually had. He didn't want to question it though, he just wanted to enjoy this rare, fleeting moment of relaxed and easy banter. The way he practically knocked her off her feet with laughter made him grin and start laughing all over again, practically doubling over with laughter with her. Their laughter filled the air around them and it sounded wonderful. The fireflies continued to linger near them and the sound of the waterfall behind him filled the empty gaps of silence between their talking and laughter. He couldn't have possibly picked a more perfect setting.

When she replied to his question he nodded in understanding. It at least gave him a general area that he might go looking for her again and that was enough for him. It did make him wonder if the same magic that seemed to happen between them this time would happen again and again if they did cross paths again, but he tried not to think about it too much. He was afraid that he might jinx whatever it was that was happening here. "You'll usually find me toward the east in the Lover's Mangroves or Weeping Willows. I grew up around that area and for some reason I just keep going back," he replied with a soft chuckle. When she seemed to panic that she was keeping him from something he was quick to shake his head to tell her she wasn't so that she wouldn't feel like she needed to go. "No! No, you're not keeping me from anyone," he added, giving her a reassuring smile. "I've been living on my own for a while now. There's a pack near the mangroves that I've started working with, but they aren't expecting me back any time soon." He wasn't sure if that was entirely true, but whatever he could say to keep her from leaving was exactly what he wanted to be true.

As much as he wanted to keep talking with her for hours, he did know that it was getting very late and he should probably be letting her go prepare wherever it was that she would be staying for the night. It was surprisingly hard for him to think about saying good bye and the realization confused him a bit. He admittedly could get a bit attached to others that he liked, but this felt different. It was something that he couldn't quite put his paw on, but he did know that he liked being around her. "If you don't mind... maybe I could stay with you for a bit longer? Just to make sure you get to your den safely. It is getting awfully late and I want to make sure you get there safely," he offered after a moment of silence. His constant worry that the wolves he liked and cared for were safe and taken care of showed itself in that moment, but he didn't try to hide it. As long as he was certain that she would have a safe place to stay tonight then maybe he would feel better about parting ways with her for now.
