
New day, New life



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
08-15-2020, 11:35 AM
The wheat colored average size wolf hadn't slept deeply in a while. Certainly his first night in a pack that was made up of strangers was not a good place to start. It wasn't tell he had laid down in the barracks he felt something he had not expected. The tension in his body relaxed more. The furs under him preserved warmth and were soft. The sense of others of his own kind around to add protection by numbers offered security. He had planned to remain alert as he did not know the strangers but some part of his subconscious seemed to assure him this was right. Wolves are not meant to be alone, and if they wanted to hurt him they had no need to wait till he was asleep.

The next morning he woke at his normal time, directly before the sun rose feeling rejuvenated. Shock at his deeper sleep was overrun with acknowledging just how good he felt. The day felt fresh and new simply for the chance he had to lower his guard for a few hours. By the stars and moon may this place be a good pack. Let the wolves work hard and take the work seriously. If the pack was strong then Naiche had found a new home.

With a good stretch Naiche left the barracks, and had notions of going to get fresh water. However he found himself instead moving farther into the beach so the water would lap at his paws. With his band and then alone he had been use to seeing new sights. He had never seen anything like this water though. Lowering his head Naiche's nose warned him clearly this wasn't something to drink. There was good water to the north and he would head that way in a bit. For now though his interest was on the brackish water before him and the tree's that grew within it, soaking in both scent and the sight of it.

There was a wind here but no scent of rain for now instead just pulling in more of the scent of the water along with other smells, a number of which were new to him. Naiche was also more use to grass or rocks but the feel of the ground now was likewise different. Naiche flexed his paw feeling how the ground easily moved under it. Not all together unpleasant, just different.