
Unknown Danger



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
08-15-2020, 12:09 PM
Naiche has made his way into the grassy plains imagining it a good place for an easy meal.  At some point he would like to be in a large group hunt and hope to not embarrass himself.  His stomach said something small would do for now.  He could smell plenty of life and food but the grass was so tall it was hard to pinpoint where his prey was.  Right now his coat didn't match up well with the greener grass that came naturally with spring but he expected in summer as grass tends to bleach with the sun he would match well with the landscape.  Too bad that time wasn't here yet.

Naiche's nose worked rapidly taking in the scents, eyes focused on the grass near him, watching for any hint of movement to give sign of food.  Another scent was on the wind, something he had smelled before but only from far away.  It was a thing he had been told as a pup to avoid but he had been small and weak at the time so he wasn't sure if it still applied now with his fuller frame.  Either way, for the moment he didn't see what was causing it.  If he spotted something and it looked dangerous then he could worry about it.  Naiche made sure to keep some of his attention on the scent and not head in that direction.  If the scent got closer he'd be ready for whatever it belonged too.

Reflecting back Naiche wish his parents had explained more.  They had probably intended too but they had waited a bit too late and then the chance was gone.  Now that he was part of pack he would hopefully learn all that he was ignorant of.  Hopefully his age was enough of an excuse for his ignorance, did most his age know that scent by now?  How much better were most at hunting or fighting by now?  His comparison was only members of his family.  With irritation Naiche imagined these wolves were better at finding prey in this grass.  The grass moved! Naiche launched at where it moved and watched as a rabbit escaped.  He took a few strides as if to chase it but running after it in this grass wouldn't work well, it was out of sight.  The best he could do is track it down and really, the rabbit would already be farther away than other prey hiding in the grass.  

So far that other scent, the one he couldn't place was about the same distance.  Biting down frustrating he returned to his hunt for small prey.  Patience was a requirement when finding food, getting upset over it got him no where.