
Unknown Danger



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
08-15-2020, 01:12 PM
Naiche lept and got excited when got some type of pheasant in his mouth, but only partially and it tried to escape. Not this time! It was injured! He charged through the grass after it and with teeth low he was about to grab it when something more important came up.

The dangerous scent and the scent of another wolf both were suddenly close. Naiche still didn't know the scent of every wolf that belonged here. Admittedly the scent didn't have the same sort as the few he had passed by but that didn't guarantee it didn't belong here if one of the wolves had traveled from farther off. Better to be safe than sorry than sorry for now.

Naiche let the bird go and ran for the two scents that were quickly coming into his view. Moons and stars! That thing was massive! So yes, a lesson had been learned. That scent belonged to something dangerous for pups and adults. Smart wolves clearly would avoid it. The other wolf had stopped at the borderlands which seemed to suggest it wasn't one of theres. Logic said he could leave it be, that a wolf who was not under their protection was not worth risking his skin over. That spark of pride labeled him a coward if he left the scene. The wolf hadn't ignored the packs boundary and instead seemed stuck facing the danger.

There wasn't time to think. Picking up speed he charged right back at the bear. His hope was more to scare the bear. It was true the bear was surely stronger and more deadly than Naiche, but there was something to be said when anything fearlessly charges you. Little things could be surprisngly dangerous. He'd never fought a large predator of course and was trying to determine how to attack if the bear wasn't scared off. Hell if he knew what he was doing. "Fight back!" He threw the words at the other wolf. Two were more dangerous than one. Besides, he could be scared later. Fear in a fight caused death. If the wolf didn't fight back, Naiche would change his mind and leave it.