
Unexpected Findings



09-01-2013, 12:34 AM

The fact that her own scent made it obvious that she was in heat was humiliating. It only made Maija more irritated, more bitchy, and more ready to rip the male's throat out. However, she kept her whirlwind of combined feelings inside of her and maintained a cool composure. She shook her golden head and merely flicked her tail out of habit as she sighed with a false pretense of humor. "My dear," she cooed, tones dripping with venomous sweetness, "my heat had nothing to do with how well you tracked me...until, that is, you stepped into the wind as if stopping a bullet." She raised one eyebrow, leaf green opts softly glaring at the gray male in front of her.
Although she wanted to attack, Maija was able to take a few steps away from him before stopping again. She stood at her fullest height, vivacious form unknowingly showing off the curves that she had been blessed with. Another flick of her tail and shortly after, she looked him over with a feign interest. "Since you are so hyped up on how I look and the thoughts that are running through your mind are anything but suitable for others to see-" she snorted lightly again, "I won't offer you the chance to learn from a pro." There was a challenge in the female's words. Whether or not she was a people person, Maija enjoyed a good competition. Oh, it had been years since she had experienced such glory, honor, and pride...dominance was also one of her favorite weaknesses. "First lesson: never let anything in your surroundings cloud your mind when you are tracking. Especially when you have a soft spot for the soft spot of others." Her words were bold, but a hint of truth rang in them. She wondered what his reaction would be after she said them. Maija watched with glassy eyes, waiting to see what he would say.

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