
Sing The Songs of Spring With Me! [Valhallan Spring Festival Opening]



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Beevent1K
08-15-2020, 04:28 PM
Sunder entered the wolf gathering with no small amount of caution. Most of the furred canines of Boreas he'd met had treated him well, or at least indifferently, but every once in awhile he encountered one who was convinced he was diseased and vehemently sought to be rid of him. Even knowing that was a possibility, he couldn't pass this gathering up. The chance to get his name out there and improve his status in life was too great. It was becoming more and more clear every day that he would likely be stuck here for the remainder of his days. Sunder was slowly coming to terms with that; that he'd never see his mother or his sisters or his friends, ever again. The thought saddened him greatly and even though it weighed on him constantly he was far too practical to wallow in self pity. He knew he needed to take care of himself and to make a home for himself here. It was for that reason he'd come to the festival. If he was going to live among wolves then he needed to get to know some and sooner or later he was going to have to pick a pack.

He paused to push the hood of his cape out of his eyes. In doing so he exposed the pale gray mud blaze that ran from between his eyes to the base of his nose. He'd applied the stuff thickly to protect his thin skin from the sun and it had been there long enough to dry and crack, leaving a trail of mud flakes down the sides of his mouth. It itched but he resisted the urge to scratch at it. If he did that he'd wipe it all off and have to start over or risk a burn - and he'd had his fill of those already this year.

The hood fell down in his eyes again and out of frustration Sunder flung it off. He valued his sight more than he cared about being stared at.