
Sing The Songs of Spring With Me! [Valhallan Spring Festival Opening]



8 Years
Small species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KBeeventTreat 2019
08-15-2020, 04:56 PM
Before Armando entered the gathering he climbed a tree, looked out over those gathered and rubbed his paws together in glee. It was an ocean of possibilities. He didn't know where to start. Did he set up a fortune telling booth? Limp in and fall into the arms of a tender-hearted healer? Fly into the crowd in a panic and throw himself at the feet of a gallant hero? Or... He scrutinized the gathering. It was a huge gathering. Why not try something different in every corner? May the best scam win.

He scuttled down the tree and scampered towards the crowd. For this corner he'd just wander in and be normal, and since the place was loaded with non wolf companions Armando had a plan to go unnoticed. His eyes landed on a wolf (Eligos) with two smaller canine companions. The trio was moving to the center of the gathering and appeared to be making a beeline for the lady in charge. That's right about where the little grifter wanted to be so of of course he put on some speed and waddled after the canines as fast as his stumpy little legs could carry him. His goal was to get close enough for outsiders to think he belonged with them but not so close as to draw attention from Eligos and his companions.

When Eligos stopped to speak to Aurielle, Armando flopped down on his rump and pretended to be hard at work pulling a splinter out of his paw. His expression was dumb; he was just a wee cat thing brought along for the festivities. Harmless, dumb, and definitely not there to mooch free meals or steal valuables from shmucks.

Armando has a female tufted titmouse companion. It doesn't have a name because it's dumb and doesn't deserve one. Assume it's with him always.