
Step by step




1 Year
08-15-2020, 05:27 PM

is this really necessary...

After the long statement of his name, and knowing his siblings, he was surprised that he only heard Ulric Adravendi in reply. A soft hum left the boys lips in wonder, most of the family that he knew had quite the mouthful of name. He knew that their bloodline was vast, but perhaps he had no interacted with enough to really understand their traditions and ways. Besides, he had been far more interested learning the lays of the land and how everything worked than to dive into family history. That seemed like a lot less fun. Deflating from his previous puffed chest stance, he wandered in closer, nostrils flaring as he asked his next set of questions. He was so focused on the answers, wanting so badly to learn how he knew he was family, that he forgot all of his pleasant words in reply to the greeting of his kin. Astra's ears pulled forward, hanging on every word that slipped past Ulric's lips. So, he had met a lot of the family? So many questions floated up into the young wolf's mind, but he did his best to keep them back, and at least fain some sort of air of civility. "You do smell a little like me, I noticed it when I first saw you. Or at least a little familiar, so I was trying to remember if I had met you or not," he admitted, sheepishly drawing in the sands below at the silliness of it all. Poking closer still, he drew in more of Ulric's scent, realizing just how tiny he was to the massive wolf in doing so. Pushing that aside, he breathed in deep and focused on the smells that rushed past his nose. It was nearly overwhelming, so many things all at once that it was hard to draw out just one smell...

Pulling back, Gus' nose wrinkled upwards as he turned and sneezed. It was hard for him to comprehend everything that he had just witnessed, again making the hungry for knowledge boy seem ashamed. "You smell like lots of wolves," Astra finally said, chewing over the words slowly before stating them out loud. There was the scent of not just himself there, but it would seem like a whole group of wolves. Since coming to these lands, the boy had not had too much of a run in with other wolves, not those outside his family group anyways. So did Ulric just meet a ton of wolves, and always keep himself surrounded by others? That sounded... irritating. Rocking back on his own haunches, he looked up at the massive male with an inquisitive look, ready to hear all that he had to offer him.

Astralagus Adonis Adravendi