
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya




6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
08-15-2020, 07:47 PM
When she was young Justice had dreamed of adventure, addicted to the adrenaline and the devil-may-care nature, but the darkness and despair of real life had dragged her back, dragged her down and chained her to a grey, dreary reality where her father was killed and eaten by another wolf, where her mother chose to die of grief for her failure rather than stay with her children, where her brothers disappeared. That was reality, something she had long learned to accept was all she was going to get from life. She was not meant for the golden, gleaming peaks of adventure, as much as she longed for it. That sunlight shone on other wolves, but not her. Hers was darkness and blood and the thrill of battle and pain, and loneliness. She'd clawed a life out of the fire and death that life had given her, and she could sometimes even be content with that.

Still, sometimes she got days like this, when the crisp, blue-tinged freshness of the world lifted her so that she remembered what it felt long for your soul to soar. Her claws dug into the slate cliff face, pulling up away from the safe path. Her hindlegs kicked, propelling her upward as she made her way up the far less safe path before her. Clawhold by exhilarating clawhold brought her closer to the top of the falls, showers of slate pebbles falling behind her when ledges crumbled beneath her weight so that she barely caught herself on the next before she would have tumbled to certain death, until finally she pulled herself onto the final ledge, where the icy waterfall originated from within the mountain. Only sheer, impossible walls led up to the peak; this was the farthest anyone but an eagle could possibly make it up the mountain. She laughed aloud in sheer pleasure at the adrenaline still coursing through her veins and let out a wild whoop that echoed down the falls. She'd probably take the safe path back down, but for now she stood at the very edge of the cliff where the falls tumbled down and leaned out with her eyes closed, enjoying the cold spray of the mist off the waterfall that coated her black pelt with icy droplets.