
Unknown Danger



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
08-15-2020, 08:55 PM
Naiche enjoyed fighting but standing directly in front of that angry bear was not the spot he had wanted to be in.  Despite a willingness to fight he had been certain his luck had run out.  It certainly would have been if there hadn’t been a partner helping him.  When the strange wolf once more attacked and turned the bear’s attention away Naiche took a few steps back watching once more for an opening.  Not once, not once had he managed to get a bite in!  What sort of fighting doesn’t even strike true once?  Naiche’s head turned following them as the bear dragged the stranger around, only to end up surprise as the massive thing decided to quit the fight.

With the bear gone Naiche finally realized how tense he’d been.  He acknowledged the adrenaline coursing through him and looked at the beast walking away.  That had been the most fun he’d ever had!  Too bad he was such a horrible fighter that he couldn’t sink teeth in once.  Naiche let out an exhale as worked at getting his breath under control.
“I’m fine. That was pretty impressive. You alright?” This wolf had been taken a rougher time than Naiche after all, getting dragged about while holding onto that. He still wanted to know if the guy was part of the pack, but it was fair enough to check on his physical shape first.  If not for those wolf Naiche would have been dead.  Then again, if not for this wolf that bear might have not gotten to the edge of the pack’s territory.  Two ways to look at it really.

With the fight over he considered the wolf more.  This wolf was a little larger and with more muscle with Naiche but not so much he would have felt outmatched.  Fighting that bear however suggested this guy had far more experience fighting. “I’ve smelled them before, but I’ve never seen one.” His eyes going back to the bear as it seemed smaller the farther it went with its limp.